Hip-Banded RDL for hamstrings and glutes

The Hip-Banded RDL is a brilliant compound movement which is guaranteed to get your hamstrings and glutes fired up!
Romanian Deadlifts are one of our favourite posterior chain exercises; not only do they work your hamstrings harder than a conventional deadlift, since the straighter leg means less quad assistance, but they also help to develop dynamic flexibility in the hamstrings by moving them through full range under load.

Resistance Band benefits

Adding a resistance band around your hip as you perform an RDL comes with two further benefits…
Firstly, as the band pulls on your hips it actively guides them backwards, making it an excellent way for anyone newer to the movement to learn correct technique and movement patterns.
Secondly, the band provides a horizontal load through the hips which increases the resistance on the glutes in the top range of the movement at full extension, where normally with an RDL you have the least tension. This means you train the glutes through their full range of movement giving you even more glute engagement!

How to perform the dumbbell Hip Banded RDL

  1. Set a band at hip height and step into it so that the band is positioned across the hip flexors;
  2. Pick up your dumbbells and walk forwards to increase the resistance, leaning into the band. There should be enough tension that you can feel it pulling you backwards but not so much that you are pulled off balance;
  3. Feet should be about hip width apart with the toes angled forwards;
  4. Engage your core and hinge forwards, letting the band pull your hips backwards and with just a soft bend in the knee to allow the movement. Try to keep your shins upright and the dumbbells directly under the shoulder so that the load is transferred to your posterior;
  5. At the end of your range, extend the hips forwards against the resistance of the band until you are fully upright with the glutes engaged.

More posterior chain training

At The Fitting Rooms, we make posterior chain training a priority; and if you’re looking to improve posture, reduce the risk of injury or build strength and create an aesthetic figure – you should too! For more ideas on posterior chain exercises, check out our posts on Good Mornings, Calf Raises, Single- Leg Hip Thrusts and Reverse Hypers!